Out of the Ashes of 9/11

This was the view from the 45th floor of our hotel this summer, across the street from One World Trade Center.  I've wanted to go to Ground Zero ever since 9/11 happened--eleven  years ago to this day.  Standing in the memorial, looking down into the fountains, makes the heart ache.  Etched into the granite surrounding the fountains are the names of all who died that day.  Over two hundred of these people jumped out of the buildings to escape the flames. It was like hell in lower Manhattan that worst day.  

Besides the ache inside, I also felt something else stir in my heart at Ground Zero.  I couldn't help looking up all the time.  At over 100 stories and going higher, One World Trade Center now looms high into the sky over the memorial.  It is now the highest building in New York City.  Wrapped in light blue glass, the tower mirrors the clouds and sky.  I couldn't keep my eyes off of it.  Everywhere I went in Lower Manhattan, I kept looking up at it.  It brought up feelings of hope, redemption, even pride.  Out of grief and ashes, something new, inspiring and beautiful is rising up.
The Bible says to not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).  I know that buildings are not good in and of themselves.  But something good is going up at a place that was visited by unimaginable evil.  The towers reflect the recovery of New Yorkers from 9/11.  Good triumphs over evil.  Not sometimes, but every time.  It may not happen in our own time or in our own timing, but in the end, good always triumphs over evil.  
